To install DataKeeper under Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP, you must have administrator privileges."Permission denied" errors may occur if you try to restorefiles to their original location when the original file exists and is open. Windows system files are often open and beyond your control. The directory tree will collapse back to the root directorywhen refreshing the list if you do not have the last folder in the expanded tree highlighted. Datakeeper can be uninstalled as you would uninstall other programs. However, the uninstall process leaves all the backup specification files (.DKS) and log files. To remove them, complete a search by typing "*.DKS" in the Named text box. When you remove DataKeeper, you can delete those files (they are large and occupy a lot of space). If you use multiple primary and substitute backup locations, they may contain obsolete backup files that you may want to delete to reclaim disk space. download here